The mission of the Faith Relations Committee is to celebrate, support, organize, invite, and increase participation from faith organizations in the activities of Loudoun Habitat for Humanity.
GOALS - In order to carry out its mission, the Faith Committee will do the following:
Seek to grow faith community connections by identifying and cultivating faith communities that are not yet currently involved in the work of Loudoun Habitat for Humanity.
Plan activities and events that coincide with Habitat’s goal to engage faith communities.
Further secure Loudoun Habitat’s identity within Loudoun County as an active and engaged advocate for the improvement and prosperity of these communities.
Provide an opportunity to put faith into action with tangible results.
Collect Habitat for Humanity offerings at your church or faith gatherings.
Provide in-kind goods and services.
Donate gently used items to the ReStore.
Register for a church group build.
Prepare on-site meals for Habitat volunteer crews.
Partner with LHFH as one of your sponsored missions (regular financial contribution).
Habitat for Humanity will not proselytize. Nor will Habitat work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with Habitat. This means that Habitat will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must adhere to or convert to a particular faith or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith. Habitat welcomes volunteers and donors from all backgrounds and serves people in need of decent housing regardless of race or religion.
For more information on Faith Relations or to learn more about our programming, please contact Amanda Baulig via email here.